Domain Name System: Everything You Need To Know About

Domain Name System: Everything You Need To Know About

Navigating the internet might seem effortless, but it follows a complex, intense structure. The domain name system is one such essential component that offers a website address that is readable and recognisable to humans.

Every business website needs to register a website name that is optimised and unique with the help of the best domain hosting provider. At the same time, every business website owner must comprehend how the domain name server system works and what it is.

In this blog, we delve into the fundamentals of DNS and how it operates.

Understanding Domain Name System (DNS)

When you register your website name with a premium or cheap domain registrar, you are registering it in a Domain Name System. A system that ties your domain name to your IP address.

In simple words, DNS works as a directory of website domain names when it comes to searching for a website name. It translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers/devices can understand and identify.

The domain name system’s distributed nature allows it to handle millions of DNS searches every minute. Without DNS, every user would have to memorise the complicated set of numbers we call IP addresses for every website we wish to visit, which is very impractical.

How Does DNS Work?

  1. When your user types your website address (domain name) into a browser, the domain name system intermediates and receives the information.
  2. It translates this address into the corresponding IP address of your website.
  3. While the process involves multiple steps and servers, the process is quite short, leading to efficient results in no time.
  4. This journey from your user’s DNS search to the system offering a result involves 4 key types of servers, where each carries out a specific task.

4 Domain Name Servers Involved in the DNS Process

1.   DNS Resolvers

As the name suggests, it resolves the distance between the user’s device and the DNS server. When a user initiates a DNS search query, it is the first server contacted. It accepts and processes the query and directs it through the DNS hierarchy to fetch the necessary information.

2.   Root Nameservers

The root nameservers are the starting point in the DNS hierarchy. They hold necessary information about all the registered top-level domains, such as .com, .net, .in, .org and more. The root nameserver redirects the DNS search query to the appropriate and relevant TLD nameserver.

3.   Top-level Domain Nameservers

The TLD nameserver manages information for domains under a specific TLD. This means that if your website falls under the .com TLD, this nameserver will access and go through the .com domain names.

It will then resolve the query by sending the request to the relevant authoritative nameserver for your domain name.

4.   Authoritative Nameservers

The authoritative nameserver holds the actual DNS records for every domain. These records include details regarding the IP address of the server hosting the website.

Once the resolve nameserver reaches the authoritative nameserver with the DNS search query, it retrieves the IP address and returns it to your user’s browser.

Summing It Up!

Understanding how DNS owner lookup and domain name systems work will enhance the appreciation for this technology. Not only that, it empowers you to troubleshoot and manage web-related issues effectively.

The domain name system is a critical part of the internet functioning and most of us don’t even realise it. Thanks to the layers of servers it ensures that users can access websites quickly and efficiently without worrying about the complexities of the underlying process.